- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Safeguarding
- Prevent and Radicalisation
- Apprenticeship FAQ's
You NOTICE a change or are concerned about a particular behaviour in your Apprentice.
You have a niggly feeling that something is not right.
CHECK in with the Apprentice.
Let them know you are there to listen.
Give them the opportunity to talk.
If you are still concerned, SHARE your concerns with us.
You can talk to your Assessor, or contact Swift’s Learner Experience Manager and Operational DSL, by email jh@swiftcc.co.uk or on 07535 002315
Take It Down is a service that you can access to help you remove or stop the online sharing of nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit images or videos of yourself.
Take It Down allows it all to be anonymous while using the service and they don't make you send your images or videos to anyone to complete the service.
If you have a concern about this and want to raise it, please contact Jayne Hipkiss - see poster for contact details.
To check our their website: https://takeitdown.ncmec.org/
To have a copy of this poster for yourself: Take it down poster.pdf.
Have a read through our Employer PREVENT leaflet that runs through the current threat in the UK, what us as a training provider can do, but also what you can do from an employer perspective.
Access it here: 14. Employer PREVENT Leaflet.pdf
Here are some statistics about knife and gang crime in the UK.
To access this poster yourself: Crime stats.png
Why do we need Martyn’s Law? There have been 14 terror attacks in the UK since 2017. These tragic attacks have caused deaths and casualties amongst people going about their everyday lives. The terrorist threat we currently face is multifaceted, diverse, and continually evolving.
What will Martyn’s Law do? Martyn’s Law will keep people safe, enhancing our national security and reducing the risk to the public from terrorism by the protection of public venues. It will place a requirement on those responsible for certain locations to consider the threat from terrorism and implement appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures.
To learn more about Martyn's Law on the GOV website: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/martyns-law-to-ensure-stronger-protections-against-terrorism-in-public-places
This document focuses on what behaviours could indicate a risk of radicalisation especially within young people. It is difficult during this time to differentiate between normal teenage behaviour and attitude that indicates someone may have been exposed to radicalising influences as they can be quite similar.
If you are concerned that someone you know is showing these signs contact Swift’s Learner Experience Manager and Operational DSL, by email jh@swiftcc.co.uk or on 07535 002315
To access this poster yourself: Signs of radicalisation 2.pdf
To have a quick read up on 'What is an apprenticeship?'. What is involved when completing an apprenticeship and what the employer offers from their side. This gives a quick snapshot look into what doing an apprenticeship is like. You can also hear what other people have to say about their experience and their views on doing an apprenticeship.
To check out these videos on the GOV Apprenticeships website: https://www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/apprentices/real-stories#
To have a copy of this poster for yourself: ADCC1. What is an Apprentice Learner IAG Sheet.pdf
After knowing a bit more about what an apprenticeship is and what it involves - it's good to have a closer look into what some of the requirements are. This poster goes into a bit more detail about Off-The-Job Training. What is it? What can it include?
It also talks about what the purpose of EPA (End Point Assessment) is and what is involved in the process to get through to that final grade!
To access this poster yourself: ADCC5. Apprenticeship Jargon Buster.pdf
This is our attendance system in regards to learners attending teaching sessions, whether this is in person or an online session. If the learner is so late that they will not arrive at our academy until after 09.30, they must head to you instead.
To access this poster yourself: Attendance .pdf
Swift strive to ensure that all learners have an equal opportunity to access, learn and achieve their apprenticeship. We are able to work with the Awarding Organisation’s to apply for and adapt any assessment methods to meet an individual’s needs.
To access this poster yourself: reasonable adjustments poster.pdf
A quick snapshot into what Off-The-Job is and some examples of what classes as OTJ. These are the ways that you can support your apprentice from your side. Work against the OTJ plan and see what activities you can get the apprentice involved in to hit the criteria. If you need some guidance on what the learner needs to hit, contact their assessor.
To access this poster yourself: otj-poster-1.pdf
Swift is passionate about developing the next generation of Childcare professionals, and as such, we emphasise the need for professional conduct, being positive role models for the children apprentices will work with and making good personal choices to enhance their career. Therefore we have a learner sanction process that all staff follow when behaviour does not meet expectations. Please see below:
To access your own copy: Learner sanction process (1).pdf